Integrated Passenger Information System (IPIS)


One of our most prestigious designs is the Integrated Passenger Information System (IPIS) which is an effective mode of displaying and announcing information to passengers in a railway station. The system manages Train Arrival/Departure Display Boards (TADDB), Coach Guidance Display Boards (CGDB), Multi-Line Display Boards (MLDB), At-a-Glance Display Boards (AGDB), Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and Public Announcement System altogether under one system. Spreading information in a complete station can be done with this system. The entire system is controlled by a CONTROL CONSOLE UNIT (CCU) that manages the Main Data Communication Hub (MDCH) which in then manages Platform Data Communication Hub (PDCH). The PDCH controls its appropriate display systems. This system is designed and built to meet the specifications of RDSO under RDSO/SPN/TC/61/2007 (Rev. 2) and Amendment No. 1.


IPIS is a huge information dispatch system that trees and sub-trees into various modes of spreading information. The CCU is the main control center of the system which runs and manages the entire operation. It is a micro controller based software system that sends and receives data to/from the MDCH though serial communication.

MDCH is the main data hub which then distributes the data to the PDCH and controls it. It also dispenses data to the CCTV and PA system and manages it. PDCH then distributes then data to various platform displays like TADDB, CGDB and AGDB. In some cases, MDCH also might control one or more MLDBs where multiple train information is displayed at common entrances and waiting rooms. The tree structure of IPIS system is best explained in a block diagram that follows.


Train Arrival/Departure Display Boards (TADDB) as the name indicates is a single line LED display board that shows information about a particular train at a time. Two types of display boards are provided depending upon the selected location.

Single line TADDB located at a corresponding platform.

Multi-line TADDB in main place for displays the multi train information.


Coach Guidance Display Boards (CGDB) indicates the location of coaches in a particular platform. The CGDBs are connected in a Daisy Chain sequence, where even if one of the boxes fails or removed for maintenance, the others will work independently. All the CGDBs are individually connected to the Main Data Hub from where they receive their data. Individual board are used to display the position of a coach in corresponding platforms like S1, S2, GEN, D1, A1 etc. This enables the passengers to easily identify their coach or wait for the train on the platform where their coach will be halting.


Multi-Line Display Boards (MLDB) is often used in common areas like entrances, hallways or waiting rooms to display information about multiple trains at the same time. Common configurations have provision to display information about 3 to 5 trains at a time. Details like Train Number, Train name, expected arrival/departure time etc will be displayed in single lines for each train. High efficient and bright LEDs are used in these so passengers are well informed of their train status now and then. The device has rugged body to withstand cold and heat and can work without defects for many decades.


At-a-Glance Display Boards (AGDB) displays the train information with coach composition. Although this board displays the information of only one train at a time. AGDBs are multi-line display boards that show detailed information about one train at a time. Details like Train Number, Train name, expected arrival/departure time, every coach details on that particular train etc. Only important or most common trains information will be shown using AGDBs. AGDB is commonly installed at the main entrance of a railway station.


Same communication hub can be uses with different names in different stages with slight modifications. These are...

Main data connection hub is the universal control centers of the system. They have the entire control for all the platform data hubs connected to it. All platform data hubs are connected and will be monitored using the main data hub.

Platform data hubs are responsible for each platform in the station. There will be one PDCH for every platform in the station. All the display devices in a particular platform will be connected to its particular platform data hub.

By using of led status panel we can watch the link status of the communication hub and LCD panel used to indicate whether this hub acts as a MDCH or PDCH.


Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and Public Announcement System controlled by the main hub which as the name says, are used to display and announce train information. CCTV displays multiple train information and is used to telecast commercial channels. PA Systems are used to announce information about arriving and departing trains and also other common passenger information during standby mode.


Control console rack houses the MDCH and CCTV display control computers. All announcements and information will be given with these computers. Monitor, keyboard, mouse and the CPU will be locked inside cabinets. Access to keyboard and mouse will be provided. Provision will be given only for power supply and connectivity options. This is to prevent unauthorised usage of the system to make announcements or makes changes on the system. The body of the cabinet is made from rugged metal with curved edges made as per RDSO specifications.